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Aria DeMaris

The Magic of Mabon: The Balance of Light and Dark

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

As the wheel of the year turns, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment – the autumn equinox, also known as Mabon. This is a time of balance, reflection, and gratitude as we prepare to bid farewell to the warmth of summer and welcome the crisp embrace of fall. In this blog article, we'll explore the magic of Mabon and how you can embrace its spiritual significance in your own practice.

The Significance of Mabon

Mabon, also known as the Autumn Equinox, occurs around September 21st-23rd in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the moment when day

and night are of equal length, signifying a perfect balance between light and darkness. This balance can be seen as a reminder of the need for harmony in our lives, both spiritually and physically.

Reflection and Gratitude

One of the most beautiful aspects of Mabon is the opportunity it provides for reflection and gratitude. Take a moment to pause and contemplate the experiences and lessons of the past year. What have you harvested in your life, both literally and metaphorically? Which crops grew for you? Which crops did not? Take a moment to say thank you and see both the beauty and the challenge of in all of your crops. Express gratitude for the abundance that surrounds you, from the harvest on your plate to the love in your heart. Remind yourself how beautifully complex it is to be a human having a rich and intricate amalgamation of experiences, feelings, thoughts, and emotions. At times it can be hard to do this, but be thankful for even the "smallest" of achievements, gifts, beauty in your life that surrounds you.

Embrace the Magic of Mabon with Rituals

Mabon Altar Magic:

Setting up your Mabon altar is such a fun way to kick off the celebration. As autumn paints the world in earthy hues, drape your altar in warm tones like yellow, orange, red, and brown. Since Mabon is all about the second harvest, you can adorn your sacred space with symbols of abundance like baskets, corn, wheat, squash, and root veggies.

Harvest Feast:

Prepare a delicious meal using seasonal produce. Set a place at your table for your ancestors, and offer them a portion of your meal as a token of appreciation.

Create a Gratitude Journal:

Begin or continue a gratitude journal where you jot down the things you are thankful for. Reviewing this journal during future Mabons will provide insight into your personal growth.

The Mabon Food Altar:

This season calls for gratitude and a heartfelt appreciation for the bountiful harvest. imilar to the Mabon altar, you can go a little further creating a food altar, with local autumn treasures such as apples, berries, nuts (like hazelnuts and pecans), grains (corn, wheat, and rice), and an array of seasonal vegetables (pumpkins, tomatoes, eggplants, and more). Unlike traditional feasting, Wiccans and Pagans usually gather these offerings to share with those in need through donations to charities and soup kitchens.

Embrace the Spirit of Giving

We don't have to wait until December to embrace the joy of giving. The autumn season offers a wonderful opportunity to make a positive impact. Choose a cause or campaign close to your heart and contribute your time, energy, or resources. By doing so, you'll kickstart autumn on the most fulfilling note, spreading warmth and kindness throughout the season.

Balance Ritual:

Light a white and a black candle, symbolizing the balance of light and darkness. As you meditate, consider areas in your life where balance is needed.

Connecting with Nature

Mabon is an ideal time to connect with the natural world. Take a walk in the woods, visit a local farm, or simply spend time in your garden. The changing colors of the leaves and the cooler air invite you to embrace the beauty of this season.

Divination and Tarot

Use this time to perform divination or a tarot reading. Seek guidance on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead as the year progresses into its darker phase.

Herbal Magic

Explore the magical properties of herbs and plants associated with Mabon, such as apples, pumpkins, and sage. Use these in your rituals, spells, or simply enjoy their natural essence in your home.

Mythological Marvels

I'd be happy to dive into some mythology with you! Especially since the myth of Demeter and Persephone is deeply intertwined with the changing of the seasons and has significant relevance during Mabon. Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and the harvest, plays a central role in this myth. Demeter is responsible for the bountiful growth of crops and the abundance of the earth. Demeter's daughter, Persephone, is a symbol of spring and the vibrant life that emerges when the earth awakens from its winter slumber.

The myth goes as follows:

Persephone was a beautiful young goddess who caught the eye of Hades, the god of the underworld. One day, while she was picking flowers in a field, Hades abducted her and took her to the underworld against her will. Demeter, heartbroken by the loss of her daughter, went into a deep mourning. In her grief, she caused the earth to wither, and crops stopped growing.

Art: jodeeeart.tumblr Poem: Great Goddesses: Life Lessons from Myths and Monsters by Nikita Gill

Seeing the devastation on Earth, the other gods intervened and demanded that Hades release Persephone. Hades agreed but not before tricking Persephone into eating a few pomegranate seeds, which bound her to the underworld. Honestly I don't see what the problem is. I thought it was every young girls dream to go from being the Goddess of Spring to the Queen of the Underworld. Nevertheless, it was decided, as a compromise that Persephone would spend part of the year with Hades in the underworld (fall and winter), and the other part with Demeter (during spring and summer).

Demeter's joy at being reunited with her daughter during the warmer months is said to bring about the rebirth of the earth, leading to spring and summer when crops flourish. However, when Persephone returns to the underworld in the colder months, Demeter grieves, causing the earth to wither and leading to autumn and winter.

This myth serves as an allegory for the changing seasons, with Demeter representing the earth's fertility and Persephone embodying the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of nature, the importance of balance, and the enduring love between a mother and her daughter. In ancient Greece, the worship of Demeter and Persephone, also known as the Eleusinian Mysteries, was one of the most revered and secretive religious traditions. During Mabon, it's customary to reflect on the myth of Demeter and Persephone as we celebrate the balance of light and darkness and the harvest season. This story is rich with duality, encompassing the realms of the underworld and the middle world, death, and rebirth, the interplay of light and darkness, the emotions of both joy and mourning, and the shifting seasons from spring to winter. It reminds us to appreciate the abundance of the present moment and the cyclical nature of life itself.

If you are interested in reading more please check out my other blog on this subject, where I go more in depth on this topic:

Mabon is a time to celebrate the harvest of the year and to express gratitude for the blessings in our lives. I encourage you to embrace the magic of this season and create your own rituals and practices that resonate with you. Whether you're doing rituals, communing with nature, or simply enjoying a warm cup of apple cider, or a chai latte (my favorite), Mabon offers a chance to connect with the cycles of the Earth and the spiritual energy that surrounds us. Embrace this autumn equinox with an open heart, and may the magic of Mabon fill you with light, love, and magic. Blessed be!


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