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Aria DeMaris

The Lion's Gate Portal: Manifest Your Dreams

The Lion's Gate Portal is Open!

It's time to embrace this extraordinary time of year! This is a period of profound manifestation and spiritual awakening. The Lion's Gate Portal, opening from July 26th to August 12th with its peak on August 8th, is your cosmic invitation to align with your highest self and unlock unparalleled abundance!

Lion lions gate portal
Lion from "Within Honestea"

What is the Lion's Gate Portal?

The Lion's Gate Portal is a celestial alignment where the Earth and the star Sirius, often called our Spiritual Sun, synchronize to create a powerful stargate. Every year this portal which opens, gives us the chance to evolve and become a better and more empowered version of ourselves. This alignment infuses the Earth with higher vibrational energy, often referred to as light codes, that uplift our spiritual growth and purpose. And this particular August is a powerhouse of celestial energy, with two super moons framing the peak of the Lion's Gate Portal on the 8th, creating a triple 8 (8/8/8) alignment of transformative energy and potential.

Why is it Significant?

During this time, the Earth experiences its Planetary New Year, a period when new light codes shower upon us, propelling us toward our highest potential. This is a sacred opportunity to shed old patterns, embrace new beginnings, and step into the fullest expression of our purpose. This is happening to many people around me including myself which can be nerve wracking but exciting! It is an opportunity to get closer to the person you want to be and the ideal life you want to live. It's the time to feel the call from your soul to release what no longer serves you and to embrace the energy that aligns you more deeply with your power and purpose.

My Journey of Manifestation

This year, I've been manifesting some truly amazing things, and my heart overflows with gratitude every single day. Gratitude truly is the first step to creating the life you love and attracting more of what you wish for. Though there is no fixed "formula" for manifestation, I've started to seriously improve on using the essential elements involved in brewing the beautiful experiences, people, and opportunities I desired and wished for.

Focus and gratitude has been my guiding light, helping me align with the energy of abundance and possibility. By focusing on what I already have and appreciating every moment, I've opened myself up to receiving even more of what I wish for. This powerful practice has transformed my life in ways I never imagined, and I know it can do the same for you.

Your Journey Begins Within

Take a moment to reflect on your life. What is happening right now? What can you be grateful for? What do you want to birth into your life? What changes do you want to make? Remember, the first step to any change in your life is being the change within first.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What are three things you're grateful for today?

  • What are your deepest desires and dreams?

  • What steps can you take to align more closely with your purpose?

  • What old patterns or beliefs are you ready to release?

By answering these questions, you can begin to align your inner world with the changes you wish to see in your outer world. This alignment is key to manifesting the life you desire.

How to Harness the Lion's Gate Energy

The energy of the Lion's Gate Portal can guide you to make quantum leaps in your journey. The Angels, especially Archangel Metatron and Archangel Uriel, are incredibly present during this time, ready to assist you in navigating this powerful energy. They are here to help you manifest your deepest desires, achieve unparalleled success, and realize your soul's true potential.

Lion's Gate Manifestation Prayer

We can call upon certain Archangels to assist us at this time. Two of the Archangels we can connect with are; Archangel Uriel and Archangel Metatron. Archangel Uriel: The Light of God Uriel, meaning "Light of God," is renowned for his wisdom. He is invoked for learning divine truths, wise decision-making, intellectual insight, and problem-solving. He also serves a patron of arts and sciences.

Archangel Metatron: The Scribe of God Metatron, often identified with the prophet Enoch, is the scribe of God, recording divine deeds and humanity's choices. As God's scribe, Metatron can assist in manifesting your desires more quickly. He also maintains the celestial archives.

Invoke these two Angels with this powerful prayer to harness the Lion's Gate energy:

"Archangel Metatron and Archangel Uriel, I humbly ask you to guide me through the Lions Gate portal at this time and embrace it's manifesting energy, receiving its blessings, magic, and clarity. Help me to become aligned with my souls purpose and to unlock my true potential, so I can fully express my gifts and fulfill my mission. Guide me to the next level of freedom, success, and abundance, achieving my goals and dreams with ease. With heartfelt gratitude and love, I thank you."

Embrace the Magic

As you embrace this transformative energy, know that the Universe supports your journey. This is your time to shine, to manifest your dreams, and to step into the highest version of yourself.

If you're ready to take your manifestation journey to the next level and need guidance and support, I'm here to help. Let's work together to create the life you deserve and desire.

Feel free to get in touch with me for personalized coaching and support on your journey of healing and manifesting your dreams. Together, we can harness the powerful energies of the Lion's Gate and beyond, unlocking your true potential and creating the life you truly desire.

Wishing you a magical and abundant Lion's Gate!

With love and blessings,

Aria Stellari xo


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