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Aria DeMaris

Mabon Blessings: Embracing the Sacred Balance to Manifest Heaven on Earth

As we stand at the threshold of Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, we are invited to pause and reflect on the unique energy this time brings. The Equinox is a moment of perfect harmony—where day and night, light and dark, are in balance. It’s a reminder that balance is not only achievable but an essential part of our spiritual and physical existence.

For me, this theme of balance has been weaving through my life lately in profound ways. I’ve been blessed to attend spiritual events, connect with radiant leaders, and form friendships with high-vibe souls. These experiences have taught me the importance of embracing both the spiritual and worldly paths we walk. Balance isn’t just a "nice" idea; it is a lived reality, the key to unlocking the limitless potential of our multidimensional selves.

As we reflect on balance during Mabon, the Earth offers us wisdom: just as the seasons change, so do we. We cycle through moments of light and darkness, joy and challenge, always moving toward a harmonious middle. This is a time to honor both sides of ourselves, to integrate the masculine and feminine energies within, and to find wholeness in the balance between them.

A Gift in Divine Timing

Today, as I was writing about these sacred themes, I received a gift from a dear friend—*Blood, Sex, and Magic* by Bri Luna. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. On this day of balance, this book feels like a divine tool to help me harmonize my witchy, spiritual self—often overshadowed by the demands of this world and my other work—with my physical, 3D being.

It’s easy to feel torn between different aspects of ourselves—the ethereal, mystical side and the grounded, everyday human experience. But the truth is, we are meant to embody both. We are here to walk between worlds, to honor the spirit while living fully in the material world, to manifest and create in both realms.

The Myth of Persephone: A Story of Renewal and Rebirth

Persephone’s story comes to mind as I reflect on the cycles of life and the balance between light and dark. Her descent into the underworld and her return to the surface each year symbolize our own cycles of transformation. The myth of Persephone is one of survival, of moving through trauma and darkness, and of the profound potential for renewal and rebirth.

Though this myth is thousands of years old, it still speaks to us today. It teaches us that even in our darkest moments, we hold the power to rise again. The dance between darkness and light is not a battle—it’s a rhythm, a sacred flow of energies that brings us closer to our true selves. By embracing both our shadow and our light, we step into our fullest power.

Navigating Ego, Spirit, and the Roles of the Artist and Critic

My journey of balancing spirituality with my work in the film industry has been truly enlightening. This artistic medium frequently operates on ego, ambition, and a desire for recognition, underscoring the importance of cultivating inner awareness and harmony. Balancing ego and spirit is crucial for creativity; the ego fuels ambition and sets goals, while the spirit nurtures authenticity and a deep connection to our work.

Both the artist and the critic play vital roles in this dynamic: the artist embodies vulnerability and expression, while the critic offers valuable perspective and constructive feedback. Embracing both roles enriches the creative dialogue, allowing artists to grow through critique and critics to appreciate the emotional labor behind each creation.

Balancing ego with spirit doesn't mean suppressing one for the other—it’s about integration. Our ambitions and desires are essential parts of our human experience. By connecting with our higher selves, we unlock the power to manifest our dreams in alignment with our truest essence. We create from a place of wholeness, not division, and that is how we manifest heaven on earth.

A Mabon Ritual for Balance and Integration

To honor Mabon and the energy of balance, I invite you to try this simple but powerful ritual to connect with and integrate both sides of yourself—your light and dark, your masculine and feminine, your softness and strength.

Mabon Ritual: Embracing Balance

You will need:

- A candle (preferably white or black, for balance)

- A mirror

- A journal

- Optional: crystals like labradorite (for transformation) or amethyst (for balance)

1. Set the Space: Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Light your candle and place the mirror in front of you. The candle represents the light, and the mirror reflects both light and shadow—symbolizing the duality within us.

2. Center Yourself: Take a few deep breaths to center your energy. Close your eyes and envision yourself standing in perfect balance between day and night, just as the Earth does at the Equinox.

3. Reflection: Open your eyes and gaze into the mirror. As you look at yourself, acknowledge both the light and dark within you. Reflect on your strengths, joys, and successes, as well as your challenges, fears, and traumas. Know that all of these parts of you are worthy of love and acceptance.

4. Call in the Feminine and Masculine: Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Feel the energy of the Divine Feminine in your heart—nurturing, intuitive, and gentle. Feel the energy of the Divine Masculine in your belly—stable, active, and protective. Allow both energies to flow through you, filling you with a sense of wholeness.

5. Journal Your Insights: After your meditation, take a few moments to write down what came up for you. What parts of yourself need more balance? What aspects of your life are calling for greater harmony? How can you honor both your light and shadow sides?

6. Close the Ritual: Thank yourself for showing up, and blow out the candle. You may choose to carry the mirror with you as a reminder that both light and dark exist within you, and both are equally sacred.

Embrace Your Limitless Self

As you celebrate Mabon, remember that you are the architect of your reality. The balance you seek is already within you—waiting to be nurtured, integrated, and lived. You are both the dreamer and the doer, the creator and the manifester. Align with the essence of this Equinox and rise to meet your limitless, radiant self.

Let’s embrace the beauty of balance and step into our fullest power, creating heaven on earth.

Mabon Blessings to You! - Aria xo


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