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Aria DeMaris

Autumn Self-Care and Honoring Our Sacred Selves

It's here! Happy 1st day of October! Its officially "spooky" season, my favorite time of year! As the winds grow crisper, and the trees release their leaves and gracefully surrender to the rhythms of nature, we too, are called to release what no longer serves us. This is the season to shed the layers of self-doubt, release the heavy weights we’ve been carrying, and loosen our grip on the things that pull us down.

Burnout often whispers to us when we’re out of sync, urging us to pause, yet it’s so easy to overlook. Although I am eternally grateful for this year, I have been feeling burnout for many months now, and I know I'm not the only one feeling it! We’re conditioned to push through exhaustion, to press forward even when our spirit cries out for rest. But what if this season, we honored the sacred call to slow down?

This past weekend, I was with my soul family on the West Coast, watching the multicolored leaves gently float from the branches and dance in the breeze. It reminded me that just as the branches release their leaves and stand bare in their true essence, we too are invited to let go. In surrendering, we uncover our own deeper truth, trusting that what we release will create space for our most authentic selves to emerge. When we release the old, we make space for the new. It’s in this process of letting go that the soil of our lives becomes fertile once more, and we become ready to receive, grow, and blossom in ways we never imagined. It really is an exciting time! So today, I’d like to share how we can align ourselves with the natural cycles of autumn by letting go of what no longer serves us, embracing gratitude, and welcoming the abundance that flows into our lives. This reflection is here to help you release the old, celebrate your progress, and manifest your most authentic, joyful self as we enter this powerful season of transformation.

autumn leaves dancing
Quote by Shira Tamir, Muses from a Mystic

Letting Go and Manifesting Our Best Lives

I have to say, I’ve had an amazing year. One that has truly been a manifestation of my dreams. I am deeply grateful for the blessings and growth I’ve experienced, and I know that it all started with embracing gratitude on a daily basis. Gratitude isn’t just a practice, but a way of life that shifts our focus from lack, to abundance, allowing us to create a life overflowing with joy, love, and prosperity.

As we move through this harvest season, I encourage you to cultivate your own gratitude practice. Pause for a moment each day and reflect on the gifts you’ve received, or were born with, both big and small. Express thanks for the people who have supported you, the lessons you’ve learned, and the opportunities that have come your way. By doing so, we align ourselves with the energy of abundance and invite even more of it into our lives.

When we let go of what no longer serves us—whether it’s old beliefs, habits, or relationships that drain us—we free ourselves to bring in what we truly desire. This is the time to release any fears or doubts that keep you playing small. Trust that just as the trees lose their leaves to grow anew, your release will lead to even greater growth and transformation.

Embracing the Fruitfulness of the Harvest

I am incredibly excited for this harvest season, as it has already been incredibly fruitful. This time of year is about gathering the rewards of all the hard work and intentions we’ve planted throughout the year. Look around and see what has come to fruition in your life. Celebrate your progress, no matter how big or small. Acknowledge how far you’ve come, and let yourself feel the fullness of the season.

This autumn, as we let go and prepare for the slower, quieter months, let’s also welcome the gifts we've received in our lives with open hearts. Let yourself savor the sweetness of the harvest. The harvest that is a reflection of the seeds you’ve sown and nurtured with your energy, love, and gratitude. This is why I love this time of year so much! Use the following affirmation below, or create one unique to you to help let go, and allow more of what you wish for into your life.

Affirmation for Letting Go and Gratitude:

“I release with grace and gratitude. I let go of what no longer serves me and welcome the blessings and abundance that flow into my life. I am grateful for the harvest I’ve received and excited for the new seeds I’ll plant as I continue to grow and evolve.”

Creating Your Autumn Sanctuary while Tuning into the Autumn Rhythm

As nature retreats inward, we too are called to nourish ourselves from within. Again, burnout may try to steal our light, but when we honor our need for rest, we become stronger and brighter. By embracing the slower rhythm of autumn, we find balance and inner harmony, replenishing our spirit to shine even through the darker months. Here are some ways you can create your autumn sanctuary while tuning into the autumn rhythm.

Mornings with Intention: Begin each day with a moment of stillness. Before rushing into the demands of the day, or your phone (I'm working on this myself), take a breath. Place your hand on your heart and feel its steady beat. Whisper words of appreciation: *“I am enough. I am whole. I am worthy of rest and rejuvenation.”* Let this affirmation become the foundation of your day, grounding you in your own essence.

Embrace Comfort and Ritual: As the temperature drops and the evenings grow longer, make a conscious effort to envelop yourself in comfort. Wrap yourself in soft, cozy fabrics that feel like a warm hug. Light a candle and let its gentle glow remind you to nurture your own inner light. Create a ritual around winding down, whether it’s sipping a spiced tea or listening to a soul-soothing melody.

Intentional Relaxation: When was the last time you truly, deeply relaxed? I’m not talking about a quick break between meetings or a rushed cup of coffee. I mean a moment that nourishes your soul. Sink into a good book, let your mind drift with your favorite music, or simply sit in silence and feel the presence of your breath. Tomorrow I'll be back near the rocky mountains taking a stroll through the forest, reconnecting with myself and mother earth, which is always deeply relaxing for me on every level. So, allow yourself to rest, and linger in these moments, free from the pull of what’s next.

Autumnal Decluttering: Just as the trees gracefully shed their leaves, releasing what no longer serves them, we too can find freedom in letting go. This could mean releasing physical clutter or old beliefs that weigh us down. I recently experienced this myself this past week—I came to visit friends and gave one of them some beautiful items that I no longer needed, along with gifts from my trip to Italy that I knew she would cherish. Her face lit up, and she was so grateful to welcome these things into her life. It filled my heart to know they would be loved and appreciated in their new home.

When we release what no longer aligns with us, we create space for new energy and gratitude to flow in. It’s not just about decluttering our space—it’s about making room in our hearts and minds for the calmness and clarity that spaciousness brings. So, donate what you no longer use or need, knowing that it might bring someone else joy. Simplify your schedule where you can, and say ‘no’ with grace, understanding that every ‘no’ is a sacred ‘yes’ to your wellbeing and peace. When we let go, we invite in abundance, joy, and deeper connections.

Celebrate Your Body: Our bodies are temples that carry us through every season of life. What would it look like to celebrate yours today? Maybe it’s moving gently, dancing, or indulging in a bubble bath. Honor your vessel with gratitude and give it what it truly craves.

Welcoming the Cosmic Shifts of October

“Rabbit Rabbit” – Welcoming Luck and Blessings 

It’s said that on the first day of the month, saying “Rabbit Rabbit” as your very first words upon waking can bring good fortune and blessings. This simple yet magical tradition is believed to welcome luck, prosperity, and positivity into your life for the month ahead. So, as you step into the new month, whisper these words to yourself: “Rabbit Rabbit.” Set the tone for an auspicious and fulfilling October, embracing the magic that each new beginning brings.

October 2nd – New Moon in Libra

This new moon marks the beginning of a fresh lunar cycle, and with it being in the sign of Libra, it invites us to focus on harmony, relationships, and finding balance in all aspects of life. I’ve been feeling especially connected to these themes lately, and I’m excited to embrace this energy more deeply as I continue to realign and create space for peace and equilibrium. Use this time to set new intentions around how you connect with others, but also how you connect with yourself. Light a candle and whisper your dreams into the flame, letting the energy of this new moon amplify your intentions. It’s a potent time to release the old and invite in a new beginning.

October 14th – New Moon Solar Eclipse

Eclipses are portals of change, and this new moon solar eclipse is a powerful opportunity for transformation. The eclipse energy can illuminate what has been hidden or suppressed, encouraging you to take a courageous step into a new way of being. It’s a time for letting go of patterns that no longer serve you—especially those that affect your voice, your expression, and your self-confidence. Place your hands on your throat and heart, and affirm: “I am free to express myself fully and authentically. I embrace my truth.”

October 28th – Full Blood Moon in Taurus

The Full Blood Moon brings with it an energy of deep cleansing and healing. Under its luminous glow, let go of any emotional burdens you’ve been carrying. Write down what you’re ready to release and, if possible, burn the paper safely, watching as the smoke rises and carries your old patterns away. This is a time to come back to your body, to feel grounded, and to honor the beauty of the material world. Take a walk in nature or place your bare feet on the earth, feeling supported and stable. Take a moment, breathe in the crisp air, and whisper gently to your soul: “I am here for you. I am here to nurture you. I am here to rest and rise anew.”

October 31st – Samhain/Halloween

Samhain, or Halloween, is a sacred time when the veil between worlds is thinnest, making it easier to connect with the wisdom of our ancestors and the unseen realms. Light a candle in honor of those who have come before you and those who will come after. Connect with your ancestral guides, and ask them to guide you if you feel you need assistance in your life. Our ancestral guides are always with us, offering wisdom, love, and guidance from beyond the veil. They walk beside us, holding space for our growth and reminding us that we are never alone. When we pause to listen and honor their presence, we tap into the strength and support of those who came before us, helping us navigate our paths with greater clarity, courage, and purpose. Speak your gratitude, and let yourself feel the peace and blessings of this powerful time. It’s a chance to reflect on the cycles of life and death, endings and beginnings. As you open your heart to these energies, may they bring you deep inner peace, understanding, and alignment.

Let this season be a reminder that rest is not a reward but a birthright. You are worthy of rest, of comfort, and of showing up for yourself in a way that honors your entire being. I hope these powerful cosmic energies and sacred days of October bring you clarity, renewal, and a deeper connection to yourself.

May your autumn be filled with gentle softness, tranquil stillness, and sacred self-care, as you shed what no longer serves you, celebrate your growth, and embrace the transformative power of gratitude and renewal. Many blessings, much rest, and love to you all!


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