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Aria DeMaris

Goddess of Seasons: Demeter, Persephone, and the Dance of Duality

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Since I love mythology and story telling so much, I thought I would make a post about Demeter, Persephone, and how these two Goddesses tie into Mabon. I'm thrilled to go a little deeper with you, as the story of Demeter and Persephone intricately weaves together the changing seasons, or the dance of duality, making it quite relevant during Mabon.

Demeter, is the Greek goddess of agriculture, harvest, the nurturer of bountiful crops. She is the provider of earthly abundance. Persephone, her daughter, symbolizes spring's arrival, a time when life reawakens from winter's deep slumber.

The story unfolds as follows:

In a sun-drenched field, the radiant Persephone was indulging in some flower-picking fun. Little did she know, she had caught the eye of Hades, the suave and dark ruler of the underworld. In a bold move fueled by desire, Hades whisked Persephone away to his subterranean abode. This caused Demeter, Persephone's heartbroken mother, to throw a complete tantrum on a whole other level. Demeter, shattered by the loss of her beloved daughter, descends into deep mourning. Her grief extends to the very earth itself. Crops withered, the land grew barren, and it seemed like the whole world was having a really bad day. This went on for what felt like ages.

Art: jodeeeart.tumblr Poem: Great Goddesses: Life Lessons from Myths and Monsters by Nikita Gill

Finally this divine drama reached its peak. Witnessing the desolation gripping the Earth, the other gods decided to intervene. They weren't about letting the world wither away, and they collectively demanded Hades to do the right thing and release Persephone. Hades, being the slight charlatan he was, agreed - but not without a sly trick up his sleeve. He managed to get Persephone to nibble on a few pomegranate seeds, six exactly, which unknown to her at the time, had some serious underworld strings attached. It was decided that Persephone would be on some kind of cosmic custody agreement. She'd spend part of the year with Demeter, during the glorious seasons of spring and summer, and the other part with Hades in the shadowy depths (fall and winter). Honestly I don't see what the problem is. I thought it was every young girls dream to go from being the Goddess of Spring to the Queen of the Underworld. This seriously was quite the dance of duality.

When Persephone graced Demeter's realm during the warmer months, the Earth was in for a treat. The land awoke from its wintry slumber, flowers bloomed, crops flourished, and life, well, it simply teemed with excitement. But alas, as the seasons changed and Persephone headed back to the underworld for her fall and winter stint, Demeter's heart sank once more, plunging into sorrow. The Earth mourned along with her, and autumn and winter descended upon the world.

Although most versions state that Persephone was initially taken against her will by Hades, other interpretations and adaptations of the story imply that Persephone developed feelings for Hades over time. In some retellings, Persephone's initial captivity in the underworld gradually evolves into a more nuanced relationship. Hades is depicted as a multifaceted character, and Persephone, despite her initial reluctance, may have come to accept her role as the queen of the underworld and find some level of companionship or connection with Hades. It's important to note that the interpretations of Greek myths can differ among sources and storytellers, and the details of the myth may vary accordingly. The idea of Persephone falling in love with Hades is more prevalent in modern adaptations and retellings, reflecting evolving perspectives on the characters and their relationships.

So there you have it - a cosmic tale of love, loss, and the ever-revolving seasons, with a sprinkle of divine drama, a dash of trickery, and a whole lot of pomegranate-related complications.

This myth is an allegorical fable of the changing seasons, with Demeter symbolizing the earth's fertility and Persephone representing the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. It reminds us of the profound interconnectedness of nature, underscores the significance of balance, and portrays the enduring love between a mother and her daughter. As we observe Mabon, reflecting on the myth of Demeter and Persephone, we recognize the intricate duality within the narrative. The coexistence of the underworld and the middle world, the interplay of light and darkness, the oscillating between joy and mourning, separation and reunion, and the perpetual transition from spring to winter. This captivating tale encourages us to cherish the abundance of the present moment and embrace the cyclicality inherent in life itself.

Eleusinian Mysteries

In ancient Greece, the worship of Demeter and Persephone, also known as the Eleusinian Mysteries, was one of the most revered and secretive religious traditions. While the exact details of these mysteries were closely guarded secrets, we do have some historical insights into how women participated in and celebrated these goddesses.

Participation in the Mysteries:

The Eleusinian Mysteries were open to both men and women, although some say women were the only ones allowed. Either way we know that women played a significant role in the rituals. Women, especially those of noble or priestly status, had an active role in the ceremonies, and they were known as "hierophants" or "priestesses" of Demeter. These women were responsible for conducting the rituals and initiations.


The initiation into the mysteries of Demeter and Persephone was a life-changing event. It was believed to offer insight into the afterlife and the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Women initiates, known as "mystai," would undergo a series of secret rituals, purification ceremonies, and symbolic acts that were meant to bring them closer to the goddesses and reveal divine wisdom.

Offerings and Sacrifices: Women, as well as men, would make offerings and sacrifices to Demeter and Persephone. These offerings typically included grains, fruits, and other agricultural products, emphasizing the connection between the goddesses and fertility. Women often played a central role in these offerings, given their association with agriculture and the nurturing of life.

Processions and Celebrations: The Eleusinian Mysteries included grand processions and celebrations, with participants wearing special attire and carrying sacred objects. Women would likely have been an integral part of these events, adding to the spiritual atmosphere and communal celebration.

Women's Role in Fertility Rites: Demeter was particularly associated with fertility and the agricultural cycle. Women likely played a crucial role in fertility rites and rituals associated with ensuring a successful harvest. They may have danced, chanted, or engaged in other symbolic acts to invoke the goddess's blessings.

Mourning and Joy:

The myth of Demeter and Persephone's separation and reunion was central to the mysteries. Women would have engaged in both mourning for the goddess's loss and celebrating her joyful return. This duality of sorrow and rejoicing was a significant theme in the rites.

Spiritual and Mystical Education:

Women who were initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries were believed to have gained special insights into the mysteries of life, death, and the divine. This knowledge was likely passed down through generations of women and held in high esteem.

While many details of the Eleusinian Mysteries remain shrouded in secrecy, it is clear that women played important roles in the worship of Demeter and Persephone. These goddesses held a unique place in Greek religion, emphasizing themes of fertility, rebirth, and the cycles of life, and women were intimately connected to these aspects of their worship. In essence, these ancient stories help us recognize our deep connection to the past and the enduring human themes they explore. They remind us that our lives are part of a larger narrative, filled with cycles of growth, transformation, and renewal. They also remind us of the dance of duality, an intricate choreography we must all master, or at least accept to learn as best as we can. By understanding and integrating these stories into our modern lives, we can find meaning, inspiration, and a sense of belonging in the rich mosaic of human history. Thank the Gods and Goddesses for these beautifully woven tales and teachings! If you'd like to read more about the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon click here:


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